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Enjoying Outdoor

maintain a healthy relationship with yourself.

The purpose of maintaining a healthy

relationship with yourself allows you to

boost positive emotions and self esteem,

so you can go onto transmitting your good

feelings to others.

DM on instagram or facebook to purchase

tranquillity- sleep bundle

Sometimes life calls and it's not as easy to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep. However, our Tranquillity Sleep bundle offers some assistance towards the perfect nights rest that you deserve after a hectic day, relaxing your muscles with Lavender and filling your bedroom with the scent of midnight rose to drift you off into your best possible sleep. 

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a moment for yourself 

Whether its your first cup of coffee in the morning or your herbal tea before bedtime, I created a set thats perfect for demonstrating the preciousness of time that comes with every sip.


Ikigai is a Japanese term that means "a reason for being". We all have a direction and purpose in life that makes all of our lives worthwhile and meaningful. 

During our lives, we all make willing decisions and actions that give us a sense of meaning to our lives. Living is a long journey of self-discovery and its important that we are constantly learning new things about ourselves and what we are passionate about. Do you know what you are trying to achieve from the life you were given? Have you found your Ikigai yet?

Image by Content Pixie

“a happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell on the future.”

follow IKIGAI instagram- @ikigai_selfcare

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